From Principal Desk
Mrs. Jaswinder B. Sethi
Principal, Amrutvahini International School
There can be no major weapon to fight darkness of ignorance other than education. Education being the chief defence of the nation can safeguard the frontiers and boundaries , without shedding a drop of blood.
Today , when everybody is running after modernization and new possibilities , CBSE too has readily accepted new methodologies and research in education by introducing CCE and open book etc.
Going by our tag line “from KG to PG” we indeed from final search of everyone , an “ONE STOP SOLUTION” to all educational needs of children.
The school saw the body of light on April 2011. It has already started creating waves by getting the CBSE affiliation letter with in a record time of one year from its inception.
Technology has been infused at its creative best to makes school one of its own kind. The child centered education what have been the benchmark in our pursuit towards holistic education for kids.
I am indeed honoured to have laid the foundation of this temple of education and calling upon the dawn of a new era in education.
We march ahead with new innovations. May this school be the dream school that every parent wants to send their children to.
Mrs. Jaswinder B. Sethi
Principal, Amrutvahini International School